1-888-524-5122, 1-888-376-9976 (Shaping Success)
Offices located throughout the San Francisco Bay area. Services also available in Spanish!

Who are we?

Psychological Assessment, Inc. was started in 2014 by Dr. Dempsey who is a California licensed psychologist specializing in forensic and neuropsychological assessment. We employ specialists in many areas of psychological testing and evaluation.

We offer testing in the areas of Forensic, Medico-Legal, Neuropsychological, and Industrial Organizational Assessment. Additionally, our team offers specialized services and employs certified specialists in the state of California who offer evaluation in a number of areas, including QME and sexual offender risk assessments.

Our team brings over a decade of experience as forensic and neuropsychological specialists, expert witness, and consultation and supervision services to attorneys, courts, and licensed psychologists. Additionally we offer assessment and consultation to companies wishing to develop leadership, optimize teams, and gain insight into corporate culture.

What is Psychological Assessment?

Psychological Assessment is a complex task that requires information to be collected from a variety of sources. The process involves time spent face-to-face, including a clinical interview, psychological testing and the gathering of historical data. Data from psychological tests must be analyzed in context, which requires the assembling of both current and historical information. The context of a person may include information about development, medical background, education, family, substance abuse, personal interests and relationships. Psychological tests involved with a Psychological Assessment may include standardized tests, as well as projective tests, questionnaires and drawings. Once psychological tests have been administered, they must be scored and interpreted. These tasks require additional time above and beyond that which is spent in direct contact, and are necessary before any summary, letter, or report can be created. Psychological testing and Psychological Assessment are specialties and may only be performed by individuals with the proper training and license.

How Do I Know if I Need a Psychological Assessment?

Referral: You or your child may receive a referral for psychological assessment from your physician, pediatrician, psychiatrist, school, daycare provider or other concerned professional. You may also receive a referral as a result of a court order or legal proceeding.

Personal Concern: You may refer yourself or your child for psychological assessment. Personal referrals are typically generated as a result of noticeable changes in daily functioning, behavior or personality, difficulties or extraordinary strength in academics, inter- personal problems, or career concerns. Please contact your evaluator to discuss any assessment concerns or questions you may have.

What is involved?

Evaluations can involve tests that measure intelligence, achievement, cognitive functioning, and sometimes motor functioning. Although each test offers its own special type of information, together the test battery gives a full picture of a person’s functioning. The choice of tests used depends upon the question to be answered. Neuropsychological testing can sometimes be more beneficial than an MRI at determining brain functioning. In addition, it offers a wealth of information about every day cognitive functioning that can be useful in treatment planning. Forensic evaluations, as well as Learning Disability evaluations, require collateral contacts and legal, educational, and medical records. These will help inform testing for a more complete picture.

Testing usually involves many different things and may include paper-pencil tests, tests of hand-eye coordination and balance, answering questions, and interview.

The Process:

Your evaluator will work with you and the referral source to determine the specific referral question or presenting problem. She will complete an interview with you and your child if he or she is the referred patient. Next, she will select appropriate tests. Tests can be administered in a variety of settings – office, school, or hospital, but it is recommended that it be a quiet place free of distractions.  Psychological Assessment Inc., staff never offer services in the home.  Test scores are interpreted by our staff and integrated with your intake and collateral information in a written report with diagnostic impressions and recommendations for treatment. During the final step in the process, you may once again meet with your evaluator so that they may provide feedback (when warranted) and provide you with a copy of your written report.

How long does it take?

Depending upon the testing question, and type of evaluation, testing can last many hours. Most testing begins in the morning hours with an interview and description of the tests. Whenever possible, testing will be completed in one day, but in some circumstances testing is best completed over two days. Breaks are taken as needed. When making the appointment, your evaluator will give an estimated time for the day of testing. If all testing is not completed in one day, a second, and sometimes third day of testing may be required.